Friday, September 13, 2013

September 16-20th Newsletter and Apples!

Here is our newsletter for next week.  Please read it and look for the homework on attached to the hard copy that will come home in your folders this weekend.  Practicing the skills at home by using the homework we provide will strengthen your child's understanding of important concepts they need to master this year.

We are so excited that the weather is getting cooler (finally) and we are looking forward to using the fall harvest to enrich our science, writing, math and reading curriculum.  We are in need of donations of apples (red, green and yellow) to help the children learn how to do the following:
Math:  We use the apples to sort and catoragize by size and color.  We taste the apples and graph our favorite kind to strengthen our number knowlege, introduce graphing and to introduce the concepts of least and most.  We use the apples to introduce patterning (red, green, red, green) and to teach them about one-to-one correspondence (giving them the number four and asking them to place four apples by that number symbol).
Science:  We use the apples to teach them that scientists use their five senses to explore, gather data, make predictions and experiment.  They will learn that there is a star inside the apple.  They will gather data about how apples are different by taste, texture, smell and sight.  They will learn about chemical reactions by making applesauce (adding heat to change the texture of the apples).  They will learn the life cycle of an apple (seed, blossom, fruit) and the parts of an apple.
Writing:  They will be exposed to enriched vocabulary by describing the apples (using adjectives) to enhance their writing (crunchy, sweet, green, red, yellow, soft, mushy, crispy, tart, sour).  They will use the apples to draw (enhancing their skills as illustrators) and they may chose to write a story about apples.
Reading:  They will get to listen to stories about apples such as Ten Apples On Top and others to learn about fiction (stories we read for entertainment and enjoyment) and informational text/non-fiction (stories that teach us something factual about the world.  We will be able to check what we learn using the actually apples!
We need the apples donated by Wednesday, September 18th so we can start using them in class.  Thank you so much for helping us with this unit of study.
We also wanted to send out a special thank you to all of our parent/adult volunteers that have given us so much of their time to help us organize our classroom libraries, make copies and cut out learning materials for us to use in the classroom.  You do not know how much that helps us enrich our curriculum.  You are amazing and we cannot find the words to thank you enough.  We are so lucky to have such a stong and helpful team of families this year.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We will leave you with this great video from the Kid President.  Enjoy your weekend, spend some time out in nature, and as always, don't forget to read at least 20 minutes each day with your child and go through the Kindergarten Binder at least 3 times a week with your child.
We are all teachers.  Be awesome today!