Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mystery Reader Pigeon Style!

This week Ms. De Stephano's class had a special guest.  Pigeon from the books by Mo Willams!  The kids were thrilled when Pigeon (actually it was special parent reader Jill Sutton) came in during Reading Workshop.  Thank you so much for making reading so memorable and special for the children.  We have been learning that reading is exciting and you certainly made sure reading the book Don't Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus and exciting adventure.  Being involved in your child's early education makes learning so much more meaningful for your child.  We can't thank you enough for taking your time to volunteer in the classroom during the year.  Enjoy this special picture of this special parent sharing a special book.  Thank you to all of our Mystery Readers.  We look forward to sharing more pictures of our volunteers on the blog this year.