Monday, September 23, 2013

Newsletter for Week of September 23rd, 2013 and Dental Assembly

Here is the Newsletter for this week.
Don't forget to pack your snacks for the week.  Your child may have brought home a library book last week.  They were so excited to be able to check out books for the first time.  Please make sure they return to school in time for your child's library day.  This is part of them learning personal responsibility and a very important life-long skill for them to master.  They are so upset when they forget to bring back the book.  They cannot check out a new book until the old book is returned.  This makes them very unhappy so gently remind them to put their library book into their back packs.
Thank you to everyone that sent in apples and other items for our Apple Science Unit.  The hands on aspect of learning science and math is critical at this early age.  Hands-on items makes it easier for them to understand difficult concepts such as patterning, one-to-one correspondence (three apples equals the number 3) and using their senses to explore the world around them.  The get to practice making predictions, testing hypothesis and planning, sorting, counting, and using oral language to describe what they see, hear, smell, taste and feel.  Your support means so much to us and helps us create a stronger and more meaningful learning experience for them.  Thank you again for all of your help.
A special thank you goes out to all of the parents that have volunteered in the classrooms.  You have helped us make the 500 books each classroom received available to the children by sorting, labeling and marking the books by category, learning unit and reading level.  We could not have done it without you!  Thank you to those that have given their time to make copies, cut out learning materials and read to the students.  The children love seeing you involved in the classroom and we appreciate the time you give to us.  You make our lives so much easier and open our time to create more rigorous lessons for the classes.  Thank you, thank you, and thank you.
We will be getting conformation for our Fall Field Trip soon and we will give you that date as soon as we get approval from the Transportation Department.  We welcome parent volunteers to come with us to Pumpkins Galore for a fun filled day of learning and exploration.  Make sure you have all of your required paper work turned into the office well before the field trip date (mid October) so your background checks can be completed and returned in time to attend the field trip.  You must have this done before you are allowed to participate in the event.
We are looking for parent volunteers to head up our Fall Parties.  The date is October 31st for those parties.  Please contact your classroom teacher if you are willing to plan, donate materials or help supervise the party.  The kids love these events and enjoy having their parents attend.  The date will be here before you know it and early planning leads to a great time and lots of other parents to help when they have plenty of advanced notice of what is needed.
We had a dental assembly last week from Delta Dental.  Each child should have come home with a dental package from Delta Dental.  Please have them fight the evil Plaque Man by brushing at least two times a day and flossing between their teeth each day.  The students LOVED the presentation and really seemed to learn a lot from this play.  Here are a few photos so you can share them with your child and review what they learned.



Picture Proofs went home last week.  Make sure you send in the proofs and money if you would like any of the pictures.  The bags for the Boys vs Girls Reading Challenge went home as well.  Please check your child's take home folder every night for important information.  This is our best way to communicate with you.  Feel free to contact us if you ever have any questions about anything yourreceive in the take home folders.
Thank you for doing the homework with your child.  It is usually attached to the weekly newsletter and we send home homework for them to practice newly introduced skills.  This extra practice lets you know what we are working on at school, helps give them additional practice to learn the new skills and teaches them personal responsibility for being organized and responsible for getting information to home and back to school.
Don't forget to send back their signed Progress Reports.  We will be having Parent Teacher Conferences next month.  We will be sending a reminder for times and dates in a few weeks.
Enjoy the cooler weather this week and as always, don't forget to read for 20 minutes each day with your child.  This is the best thing you can do to help them become life-long learners!