Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Week of Kindergarten Update

Last week was a short week and all of the children were introduced to the expectations and procedures at school.  They have all been working so hard on walking quietly through the hallways.  If you hear them refer to "hallway hands" (hands behind your back), the "hair stare" (looking directly at the person in front of you while you are walking in line so you stay one behind the other) or "level zero" voices (making no noise in the hallway) then now you know what all of those crazy sayings mean.  You may also hear "put a bubble in your mouth" and "have marshmallow feet".  They also practiced how to come to carpet safely, how to clean up and be responsible for their materials and how to move through the room safely.  They spent some time getting to know each other and their teachers.  Some have learned where the nurse's office is and I think they can all find the bathrooms independently!

This week we are spending more time getting to know each other by starting our "Star Names" or "King and Queen" Units.  This is a unit of study that focuses on the child's name.  Each day their is one child chosen to be the "star".  The other children draw pictures of them and try to write their name.  We play word games with the letters in the "stars" name.  We compare to see if the "star" name is shorter or longer than ours, count how many letters in their name and see who else starts with the same letter as our "star" student in the class.  It is a fun word study unit and a great way for the children to bond and get to know more about each other and about letter formation and letter sounds.

We are also introducing "Reading Workshop" to the kids.  Right now we are introducing them to the procedures for how reading workshop runs.  This format will follow them through their middle school years in Wentzville for reading so setting a strong foundation for how to handle books, how to return books, how to care for books, how to read independently and how to read with a buddy are critical skills they are learning this year.  Right now we are practicing procedures and getting them used to the expectations during reading time.

We are following our schedules this week as closely as possible.  Word work, reading workshop, writing workshop, math and hand writing are all being introduced this week.  We will be working on stamina (the length of time they can stay actively engaged during an activity) over the next month.  They are getting used to working at the carpet and working at their desks.

The children are picking up new skills everyday and they may be tired and hungry by the time they get home.  Very few are actually resting during any part of the day but they are taking a "brain break" where there is a quiet time when they can work independently in their journals or enjoy a book.  They are doing a great in the cafeteria (although lunch is short and they eat slowly so some of the kids are not getting their whole lunch eaten and that is normal as well).  They are still learning bathroom expectations so don't be surprised if a few of the children have accidents during the first month of school.

Please make sure you check their back packs every night!  You need to be signing off on their calendars (the behavior record).  We send home a TON of important information in those folders so it is critical that you check them each and every night.  We have sent home Scholastic Book Ordering information, extra-curricular information, behavior reports, accident reports (if they had to go to the nurse) and information from other departments.  We appreciate your dedication to maintaining open communication between home and school.

School parties and the fall field trip will be here before you know it so PLEASE fill out your volunteer information forms so you can come in and be a Mystery Reader, attend class parties and go on the field trip.  Also, if you are going to volunteer to help with projects (like copying, cutting, reading to the children) you have to have your background check completed BEFORE you are allowed to be with the children.

Thanks for sending in their snacks each week and thank you for checking their folders each night.  We are off to a great start for the year.  We are so proud of the children and everything they are learning.  We will post again soon and let you know about the curriculum each week so you know what to reinforce at home.

And as always, make sure you are reading with your child 20 minutes each night!  This is the most important thing you can do as we work together to lay a strong foundation for developing a life long love of reading in each child!  Have a great week!

Team Kindergarten