Thursday, January 23, 2014

Science to do at home on a snow day!

Here is a little science experiment you can do at home when school is cancelled for snow or wind chill. You can use this to help explain glacier melting, the Arctic, the three states of matter (solid, liquid and gas) and how applying salt to the roads helps to melt the ice.  You can also show how melting ice causes rivers and rivers can erode the ground and make valleys and canyons (like the Grand Canyon).  You can pull in videos from National Geographic Kids and Discover Kids to help them understand these concepts.  You can work in some geography work by showing maps on Google Earth and other sources to show where glaciers and canyons/lakes (like the Great Lakes) are caused by glaciers.

Unfortunately the weather forecast calls for much more cold and snow for the rest of the weather so families, you will be (and always have been) their first and most important teacher.  Reading, doing science and writing about what they are doing when not in school will keep them from losing valuable skills they learn at school.  We may have many more "snow days" and the students will need to keep learning at home during these breaks.  We, the Kindergarten Team, greatly appreciate your time and support in working with you children at home to make sure they don't lose skills and continuing learning even during snow days.  We promise, they will love this experiment and will be glad to step away from the TV and video games to do this activity and other we will post.  Enjoy this post and we hope it helps you make the most of these snow days!

Take balloon and fill with water.  Place outside or in freezer.

Take out of freezer or bring in from outside and shake to see if frozen.  You can either make a solid ice ball or you can make and ice bowel if you don't want to wait for the entire thing to freeze.

Ice Bowl.  Explore it, hold it up to the light, touch it and write about what you see.  Document your observations or draw what you see.

Ms. Berghoff (Ms. Arrendale's Buddy Classroom Teacher) mixes up some food coloring and water in primary colors to use on the ice ball.  You can talk about primary and secondary colors and use the ice to mix the colors.  You can also use Liquid Watercolors (which do not stain like food coloring) to do this project for more brilliant colors.

You can use eye dropper (best) or spoons to put colored water on the ice ball.  Do this without any salt on the ice ball.

Next, sprinkle salt (table salt) on the ice ball.  Observe what happens.  Listen!  Ours crackled and we started seeing cracks in the ice.  Ask questions!  Document what you observe.

Start dripping colored water on top of the salted ice ball.

Drop a few drops of food coloring directly onto the ice.  Observe what happens.  Is the ice changing?  Does the food coloring help you see any of the chemical reactions that are happening?

Continue spooning on colored water.  Keep a careful eye on any changes in the ice.

Take pictures or draw (with color) what you see happening to the ice ball.

Hold the ice ball up to the light (adults should do this, the salt and ice are very cold and could "burn" their little fingers, or have them wear gloves if they are going to hold the ice ball up to the light).  In a solid ball you will start to see tunnels forming into the ice ball.  The colored water helps to highlight those tunnels.

Add more salt from time to time.  Get a magnifying glass and really look at the ice ball.  Document more of what you see.  Take close up pictures!

Look at the ice ball in the light.  Shine a flashlight through the ball.

Now you will start to see a lot of melting and other activity going on with the ice ball.  Talk about the water changing it's state from solid to liquid.  Water can change according to heat and cold.  If you are brave save all of the melted water to boil later.  Explain that the steam coming out of the pot is the gas state of water.

Ask if this could be considered art.  What makes something art?  Make an art piece inspired by the ice.

Really look at the tunnels and crevasses caused by the melting water.  Talk about how the water erodes the ice, water also erodes land and causes rivers, canyons and lakes.  Look up the Great Lakes and explain those were cause by massive ice sheets (glaciers) that moved across the land a long time ago and was so heavy it carved out the Great Lakes.  As the ice melted it filled up the Great Lakes just like the melted water from the ice ball is filling up the container the ice ball is sitting in while you do the experiment. 

Talk about how the ice ball changed from solid to liquid.  Have your child explain what they think is happening and why.  Explain the role of salt and why we use it to melt ice on the roads.  Write some more of your observations down.  Take more pictures.

We hope you enjoyed this little demonstration of a learning activity you can do at home with your child on a snow day.  Have fun with it.  We promise, your child wont even know they are learning, but make sure you tell them how impressed you are with their scientific knowledge!  They love to be called scientists!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Number Bonds, Ten Frames and Personal Narratives, OH MY!

You are probably hearing your child talk about things like Number Bonds and Ten Frames.  We wanted to let you know what we are working on in math so you can have a good understanding of the vocabulary.  We have know entered the part of the school year where we really start dissecting numbers.  We want to understand all the different ways we can represent a different number.  We will be making a number anchor chart like the ones below each week as we explore a new number.  We concentrate on one number a week.  Last week was the number 6 and next week is the number 10.  We want the students to know many different ways to represent the number.  We also want them to be very confident with their number sense before entering First Grade.

As you can see in our charts we ask the children to come up with as many different ways as possible that they can make a number.  We introduce many different math concepts during this unit.  The students are expected to be able to identify the number, make the number, read the number word, use the number in a ten frame, use the number in a number bond and understand basic addition concepts up through the number 10.  Some of the children have found additional ways to make six and we added those to our chart.

 In Writing Workshop we are starting our unit on writing Personal Narratives (a true story about yourself).  This is the anchor chart we use to help the student generate ideas for writing their personal narratives.  This is a fun unit of study for the students!  We are working on putting spaces between our words, having a beginning, middle and end, using details in our pictures to help tell the story, using punctuation at the end of the sentences and using a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence.  It is a lot for the students to keep in mind while writing.  We are not worried about words being spelled correctly at this point.  We are looking for them to sound out the words they want to write and put down a letter for each sound they hear.

This is another place working on those popcorn words becomes so important!  Knowing those words helps to move the story along, and if they know them it makes their writing process so much easier for them.  Please keep working on those words.  We do keep a word wall and add other relevant vocabulary cards to the wall to help them spell bigger words (family words, winter words, days of the week, color words and number words).  Please encourage your child to write at home.  The more they write, the better they will get and the easier it will become.  Encourage lots of detail in their pictures.  We look for each story to have characters and setting with detail.  We also look for the story to stay on topic and the story to go in chronological order (sequenced correctly in time).  We just started this unit so we will have lots more to share in a few weeks.  Thanks for all of your support.  We hope the blog helps you foster meaningful conversations about the skills they are learning at school when they are at home.  We also hope this helps you understand a little more about what our goals our for each unit we introduce.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Gingerbread Fun

Each classroom focused on a Gingerbread Unit in December.  We read several different Gingerbread stories and compared and contrasted how they were they the same and different from each other.   The student's also really worked hard on identifying characters, setting, problem, solution and details of the stories that we read.  We also did many different activities to make learning reading, writing, math and science concepts fun and meaningful for the student's during the month of December.  We wrapped up the unit by doing a Gingerbread hunt (the Gingerbread men ran away!).  Here are some pictures we took during the unit and descriptions of what the students learned during these activities.

 Some of the students made 3-D Gingerbread houses like they learned about in The Gingerbread Baby to learn about flat shapes (squares) and 3-D shapes (cubes).  This hands-on activities helped build fine motor skills while reinforcing math concepts.  This activity also helped them recall details from one of our gingerbread stories.

 Many of the children became frustrated trying to make the graham crackers stick together and used problem solving skills, team work and advanced vocabulary while trying to figure out ways to engineer their structures.

We also did a non-standard measurement unit during December and it was easy to use our Gingerbread theme to help the students make connections.  The students used a variety of objects to measure items around the rooms.  One of the learning centers for math involved measuring Gingerbread cut outs of different shapes.  The students were encouraged to find different ways to measure the gingerbread men.  Math vocabulary such as length, width, height, are and perimeter were used during this activity.  We used different sized marshmallows over several days to show that measurement depends on your tools.

The students were also encouraged to make estimate how many marshmallows they thought it would take to measure.  They then had to fact check their estimation.  The students worked independently and in groups to do this exercise.

Gingerbread found their way into center time to reinforce color concepts and to reinforce popcorn words.

The students labeled the Gingerbread man during Writing Workshop to practice sounding out words and using labels to help the reader understand what they are writing.

Salt was used as fake "snow" with alphabet and popcorn word cards to help students with letter formation and popcorn word recognition.  This made practicing these difficult fine motor skills much more fun!  Some used fingers and some used tongue depressors to write the words.

Pretend "gingerbread dough" in dramatic play and dough stampers were used to make words, blend sounds and practice popcorn words.

In dramatic play they re-enacted details from several of the gingerbread stories we read during Reading Workshop to increase comprehension skills, retelling in sequence, remembering details and using vocabulary to strengthen speaking and writing.

"Run, run, as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man!"
We started practicing the foundations of sentence structure in Writing Workshop making sure we put finger spaces between our words when writing.  We practiced as a group on write-on/wipe-off boards to understand how much space should be put between words so the reader can read our words.


To wrap up the unit we had a Gingerbread Tasting Party with Gingerbread Cookies, but before we could try them they ran away, just like in some of the books we read!

We came back from lunch and found crumbs where the cookies had been.  We searched all over the school looking for them!  They ran away from every Kindergarten classroom!

 We looked everywhere for clues to try to find them.  We observed liked scientists to try to figure out where they could have gone!


We made signs and posted them around the school like in the book The Gingerbread Man Loose In School that we read.

We built traps and placed animal crackers out like in The Gingerbread Girl Goes Animal Crackers hoping that having animal friends waiting for them might lure them back to our rooms!

We placed our Gingerbread Houses out hoping giving them a home like in one of our Gingerbread stories we read by Jan Brett would cause the Gingerbread Men to come back!

We made beautiful Gingerbread Houses for our cookies hoping they would like them and come back.


We made Gingerbread Friends for our Gingerbread boys and girls to play with in dramatic play hoping that would make our cookies want to come back.

In the end it worked and after Specials classes, when we returned, they had all come back to every Kindergarten Class!  They students were so excited.  What they had learned and remembered from reading all of those different Gingerbread books helped them solve a problem and find a solution, just like in the characters in the stories we read!  This was a great text to self connection.  It was also a great way to apply what they had learned to a real life problem and realize that what we learn in books can help us in our life and help us use that knowledge to solve problems.
These are some of the books we read during our Gingerbread Unit.  We used these books, which part of the Gingerbread Man we ate first and other fun concepts to reinforce what we had learned in math about graphing.  Below is one example of a graph we created in one of the classrooms.
In this graph the students voted on which Gingerbread book they enjoyed the most during the unit.  We then graphed each response to find out which story the class liked the most (expanding math vocabulary), the least, how many votes each book had, how many votes total and how many books all together and total.  This was a way to visually organize and compare their data!
The unit was a huge success and the students learned so much.  We hope you enjoyed this little view into some of our December learning objectives and we hope this gives you some ideas of how you can support these concepts at home.